Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pan-Subcontinentalism - The Preamble

Pan-Subcontinentalism is the Nationalism of the Indian Subcontinent. The adherents of Pan-Subcontinentalism, the Pan-Subcontinentalists identify themselves with the whole Subcontinent and pledge their loyalties to a movement to establish a political union of all ethnicities at home in the Subcontinent over an area encompassing Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet. Once established, the Pan-Subcontinentalists’ loyalty would lie with such a Civilization-State.

In the Indian Subcontinental Union, the People would be sovereign and it would be ruled according to the principles of democracy. It would be structured as a federation of states based on linguistic and administrative divisions. The Union would have a strong center.

Pan-Subcontinentalism is also a Nationalism based on certain principles, principles which will help both the establishment as well as the preservation of such a large democratic political union. Just as important is the nature of society, that should flourish in such a union – it should be based on equality, freedom to practice and preach religion, communal peace, tolerance, celebration of diversity, decency, respect for privacy, spirituality, freedom of thought, free movement, openness, caring, social conscience, good neighborliness, moral courage, respect for law and citizens’ rights, justice, press-freedom, opportunity for all, thirst for knowledge, scientific inquisitiveness, spirit of exploration, creativity, good work ethic, healthy living, sustainable development, equitable growth and environment-friendliness.

Pan-Subcontinentalists swear to fight ethnic and religious segregationists, fascists, uber-passionists and warriors, and to not allow them to control, radicalize and rip apart society. Pan-Subcontinentalists swear to fight all groups with vested interests in disunity or instability of the Subcontinent, using all means available, peaceful if possible, violent if necessary.

Pan-Subcontinentalists swear to contribute to the creation of an ecologically sound, an economically developed, a scientifically advanced and a militarily strong Indian Subcontinental Union.

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